Facts & Myths 5 Facts About Tinnitus

5 Facts About Tinnitus

You probably know tinnitus as ringing in the ears or the sensation of noise that isn’t externally caused. It’s typically indicative of a bodily condition and can be very distressing for someone suffering from it.

Below are some facts about tinnitus worth knowing.

1. It’s Not a Disease

Tinnitus is a symptom of some broader condition and not a disease in and of itself. It usually indicates problems such as changes in blood pressure, blockages of the ear, and neck trauma, among others.

2. There Are Two Kinds of Tinnitus

Tinnitus is not exclusively audible to the person it affects. Objective tinnitus is audible to another person by listening closely and is often linked to a physical process such as joint movement. Subjective tinnitus is only audible to the person it affects and is far more common.

3. Tinnitus Isn’t Just Ringing

Although ringing in the ears is among the most usual forms, tinnitus can also be buzzing, hissing, creaking, pulsating, and any of a number of other noises.

  • Tonal tinnitus is a continuous sound;
  • Pulsatile tinnitus is a sound that comes and goes; and
  • Musical tinnitus takes the shape of music or singing

4. Tinnitus Can Be Triggered

Tinnitus may be continuous for some people but in others, it can be caused by specific event triggers. Certain foods, drugs, or physical activities can activate or exacerbate tinnitus for some people. Stress and anxiety can also be triggers.

5. Tinnitus Is More Common Than You Think

As many as 15% of adults experience tinnitus. Around 12 million Americans experience tinnitus so severe they need to seek medical attention.

